Making a Difference

Yes, We Can

By giving medical equipment new life…

help prevent many deaths caused by infection, injury and disease.

improve and lengthen the lives of people in developing nations.

In America we are fortunate to have a modern healthcare system. Our medical supplies and equipment are constantly upgraded. What about the healthcare systems in third world and underdeveloped countries?

Every year, hospital operating rooms alone in the United States produce more than 2,000 tons of unused supplies and still serviceable medical hardware. Each year hospitals replace equipment for newer or more efficient models. Healthcare workers, not wanting to throw away usable inventory, leave it to collect in storage rooms, or throw it away when storage becomes a problem. There is a better way.

We can and should make a difference. These supplies and equipment can improve the healthcare and well-being in less developed areas of the world. The results are a chance for a better life for both individual patients, and ultimately, the population of an entire nation.