When the Medgive Foundation was established, we had a vision to impact men, women and children worldwide through access to improved healthcare. We were very excited about the prospect of reaching out to those in greatest need, because we knew we could bring the nonprofit organizations serving them the medical supplies needed.

Since that time our foundation has helped entire communities who have suffered needlessly as the result of inadequate healthcare. We look to continue this meaningful work through alliances with organizations who share our commitment to providing resources around the world.

Please contact us if your organization is interested in learning more about Medgive and our commitment to under resourced communities. We would be delighted to learn more about your efforts and explore the possibilities of working together toward a more compassionate and caring world.

Who We Are

Medgive is a registered 501(c)3

non-profit organization that distributes excess medical supplies and instruments, and outmoded medical equipment to hospitals and clinics and medical institutions in the developing world.

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The Need We See

Throughout the third world

there is a constant need for medical equipment and supplies, even when outdated by American standards. Hospitals in impoverished and developing nations typically function without even basic surgical supplies.
This creates an inefficient, ineffective healthcare environment for both patients and medical practi-tioners. More bluntly, it costs lives.

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Yes, We Can

By giving medical equipment new life…

WE CAN help prevent many deaths caused by infection, injury and disease.

WE CAN improve and lengthen the lives of people in developing nations.

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Our Efforts Make a Difference

We have built relationships

with partners over the years that enable us to deliver desperately needed healthcare supplies life in underserved countries where the need is the greatest.

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